Laptop Scoliosis

I bought an MSI EX460 a whole year ago, and just forgot to post my rants about it.  It's entirely too old for that now as I think you can't buy this model any more except through the bargain bins.

I selected this model mainly for Linux graphics work.  It sounded nice enough, with a Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB of RAM, and a video card with its own memory.  But I only really saw how it looked like after it was delivered.

It wasn't really that bad, except that I wouldn't want it for my own, if only because the keyboard is off-center.  With some unused shortcut buttons placed prominently at the left of the keyboard, it felt to me that there's a grave discomfort in having to maintain your hands slightly to the right and not center of the screen.

That, and too many blue lights.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure how many of you are aware of the recent scientific developments and breakthroughs that have or are recently occurring in the field of scoliosis treatment. Prognostic testing/technology in the way of genetic testing and blood tests are now able to determine which early stage scoliosis patients are most likely to experience severe curve progression. This presents a new and unique opportunity for early stage scoliosis intervention rehab programs to reduce and eliminate many of the "at risk" smaller curve cases before they progress to much more complex and difficult large curvature cases. It’s actually quite revolutionary and amazing.
