Linux, VB, Foxpro in Education and Business

Over the past week, I've gone through several interviews for applicants for sales, programming, and system administration. An unexpectedly good discovery was that Linux wasn't as obscure as I imagined.

For students who've graduated from 2008 and up, it's more common that they have experience using Ubuntu Linux. People even request for CDs or download them and try them at home. Of course, for a lot of them, it's just a one-shot try at 2007 or 2008. Well, it's 2011 and I think they might want to give it another try.

For businesses, while it is rare to find a company like us which uses Linux primarily, our favorite open source OS is still making inroads in the server and desktop.

Another unexpected but bad discovery was that VB6 and Foxpro are still being taught in schools. That means even now, they're being taught in computer schools and universities in the province. Granted, they're still much used in legacy apps. But doesn't mean they're destined for legacy work?